We are always told to beware of being used, but do we know how to protect ourselves from camouflaging, pretentious, or let’s just say, hidden disrespect?
The previous post gives an introduction to this very one. So do well to go through it as well for better understanding. It’s not such a long post compared to this afterall. The link below will guide you to the exact post.
Signs of Disrespect in Relationships You Should Never Ignore.
In this article, I will list 10 warning signs of disrespect you should never ignore in your relationship, no matter what. And oh!, it’s gonna be one of those very looong but of course highly educative posts. So get ready!
If there’s an alarm going off in your head, check below ten signs for lack of respect in a relationship.
1. Your Partner Continuously Reads Your Messages And Replies After Some Hours.
Imagine having a partner who ignores your messages all the time. Sometimes they could be at work or somewhat busy at that moment, so you may not really be bothered by that fact. But then you discover that they still do it even when they are already home. They would read it and leave it aside for the next hour or so before replying. Again, imagine being in the middle of an important conversation and suddenly, they stop answering. You probably get worried and decide to drive down to their place only to find them watching TV and relaxing on the sofa. Do you think this was disrespectful? Oh! Yes. I’m sure you do.
Okay I agree and also understand the fact that many times, we don’t have the opportunity to reply something like, “Dear, I’m quite busy at the moment. I’ll text you later”, so we leave the phone aside and go back to it later on. But we are all grown-ups and it’s nice to act as such. Being busy is never an excuse to keep ignoring your partner’s messages.
2. He Or She Makes Appointments With You And Cancels Them Afterwards.
This is the most obvious sign of disrespect in any relationship. They could only be two reasons for cancelling dates.
First: Something came up in the last minute, was urgent and couldn’t be postponed. That’s totally okay cuz it’s no one’s fault anyways. AND…
Second: There is no second reason. Yes I said that…there is none!
It is respectful to yourself and the other to go on that date and then do whatever else you wanted to do instead. Everything else is pure disrespect in the relationship.
3. They Are Always Late. Always!
It may sound harsh, but if you managed to get to an agreed venue just in time, there is no excuse for them not to do it as well. Could be traffic, urgent case attendance or perhaps, simply bad time management. But if they do this all the time, then it is as well a sign for lack of respect in a relationship.
4. He Or She Checks Your Phone On A Daily Basis.
They constantly check your phone and if you try to stop them, they get angry. The next thing you hear as their defense technique is – “Are you hiding something?”, “Are you already seeing someone else?”, “So what, I want to be sure you’re faithful”, “You can check mine if you want”.
Now don’t get me wrong here. I’m not saying you should deny your loved one access to your phone when they need it. But when they constantly demand for it or even go through it without letting you know first, honey, this is a huge warning sign to run. This act doesn’t only depicts lack of respect in the relationship but also a clear sign of insecurity on his or her part.
It’s overlooked by too many people out there. This is a lack of respect and could evolve into something much more serious if you don’t talk about it. Encroaching into your personal space and making you feel unnecessarily guilty is disrespectful and rude. Honestly, you don’t need someone like that around you. That’s bad energy mixed with negative vibes.
5. Constant Invasion Into Your Personal Space.
Yes, you’re in love and I know that. I also know you want to spend time together and share everything with each other. However, you seem to have forgotten that you’re an independent human being and you’ve got your personal space, same with your partner. You need this healthy personal space my darling. Your loving partner does too.
If your partner goes over the level that’s comfortable for you without invitation or permission, it’s rude, annoying and sometimes – disturbing. An example of that is checking your phone, reading your diary, asking for passwords and getting angry if you don’t want to provide access to those.
Worse still, if your partner happens to be the manipulative type, they could make you feel like you’re the one doing something wrong. Honey, don’t allow them to trick you into believing such.
6. They Hardly Keep To Their Promises.
Don’t let yourself be fo*led about this one too. For some people, there’s always a reason not to keep their promises. It’s like the school story where the student leaves the homework at home “by mistake”… every time!
At some point in our lives, each one of us has to start keeping our promises because other people count on that. Because it’s fair. Because it’s the right thing to do. Because dignity and courtesy demands we fulfil them.
Failure to keep promises is a sign of disrespect in a relationship and it’s kind of easy to spot. Could you imagine how your life together would look like if your partner makes a promise, but then you have no idea if that’s going to happen at all or not? It doesn’t make sense one bit and we all know that.
7. He Or She Doesn’t Listen To Your Opinion.
Now, you may think it’s easy to spot this one, but actually it’s not.
So, you get to have a discussion and he/she doesn’t even listen to whatever it is you’re voicing out. Or… When you talk, you could see in their eyes that what you say is pointless. Your words hang in the air… awkwardly. Sadly enough, that’s very heartbreaking you know.
If you’re in a long distance relationship, the chances are you don’t even know what’s going on. Pheew! That’s Premium Tears for you Darling, No Offense Please.
Okay now here’s the deal… Next time you and your partner talk, try to see if he or she listens to you and tries to understand you. Respect is giving the other a chance to speak up and listen to what they say carefully. You’re in the relationship together so everything musn’t be about them alone, all the time.
8. They Always Talk D*rty.
No dear, I don’t mean that kinda d*rty (fl*rty or sed*ctive) talk.
I mean the conversation that makes you feel bad about yourself. The discussion that points out your mistakes and ruins your mood even more.
We all have our “down” moments. Honey, your partner’s job is to bo*st your self-esteem, not to k*ll or bu*ry it as deep as possible.
If that happens to you – run! It’s about time you stopped that self-guilt or self-pity and start loving yourself more than the other does.
9. Your Things Are Less Important Than Your Partner’s.
Putting their goals, dreams, plans, wants, needs and everything that concerns them above yours all the time, is outright disrespectful.
We all have goals and dreams, a path we walk on and if your priorities are on the bottom all the time – well, I’ve got some bad news for you: you got yourself entangled with an inconsiderate, self*sh and self-centered partner. In a nutshell, your partner doesn’t respect you one bit! I mean scr*w that! Don’t you have a life of your own to live as well?!
10. Your Partner Makes You Feel You Aren’t Their Priority.
Hmmmm….. Well, that’s just pretty sad and you know why? It’s because a relationship is a form of a partnership. And a partnership entails you and the other person being together and walking together on the aisle of life. Both of you equally important, in love and respectful to each other.
Spending your precious time on Earth with someone who doesn’t think you’re more important than 90% of the people in his life, is just totally wrong and unacceptable.
You are their priority, so you should be treated as such. You deserve much better than an ordinary treatment my dear. If the reverse happens to be the case in your relationship, then I’m sorry to say this… Your partner neither values nor respects you!
So here are those warning signs to look out for in your relationship. If you find some of these signs present, don’t panic or lose hope yet. Fret not darling. I still got you covered. We have the solution to your problem. So check out my next post on how to deal with disrespectful partners. With that, you can see the things you can do if or when your partner doesn’t respect you.
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