Time to time, we meet new people in our lives and sometimes, even go on dates with these new aquaintances or maybe, friends for several reasons. But then, what happens after those dates? How we get perceived or treated after such dates really matter to us. Would they still want to hang out with us again or would they just lose interest one time? Do we get taken more serious or do we get taken for granted?

Below are two simple hacks we can use so that our dates not only want to hang out with us more often, but also get to respect us big time and maybe, even want to get into something really serious and fulfilling with us.

1. Create Uncertainty. (Ladies should focus more on this point).

You have to create uncertainty. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard people say stuff like.., “Hey! You remember that guy/girl that I went on a date with last night? He/she just won’t stop texting me. Gosh! It’s so annoying”.

Now listen Sugars, when you make yourself too available or you always quickly reply to every text message your date sends you, they’re definitely going to lose interest in you pretty quickly. They’re going to feel like they’ve already won you over and that’s not exciting one bit. Basically, this makes you just another guy/girl that they can talk about with their friends just so they can feel good about themselves.

Instead, you may want them to say this.., “Jason / Harriett has not texted me back in the last two days. I just wanna see him/her again. Doesn’t he/she like me? I don’t know what’s going on?”. Look dear, human beings naturally crave uncertainty. It’s why we see movies we don’t know the ending. It’s still why we watch sports games we don’t know who’s going to win.

The same thing goes for humans most especially the ladies. If they don’t know what to expect from you, or they don’t always know when they’re going to hear from you next, it’s going to make you become more exciting and attractive.

So here’s what I recommend you do… You should be the one who stops texting, not the other way round. If they don’t ask you a direct question via text, use that as an opportunity to not reply them. Give it a few days, then get back to them. Trust me, this is going to drive them cr*zy.

2. Put Them In Their Place. (Guys should take this point more serious).

Between social media and texting, we live in a world where it’s very easy for girls and the “overly cute” guys to get lots of validation all of the time. And this can give them sort of a “diva” mindset or make them feel like “demi-gods” where they think that the world revolves around them. They’re used to getting their ways with people and having them wrapped around their fingers doing whatever they want them to do.

So it’s very important that you set yourself apart from those other guys or girls, by challenging this absurd notion of theirs, letting them know that they are not the saviour of the world and also that you are not afraid to put them in their place.

Every once in a while, girls (and maybe guys too) are going to give you a sh*t text. This basically means they’re going to challenge you just to see how you would react. For eg. Let’s say you have a dinner date scheduled 8pm on one side of the town and your supposed date texts you at 6pm saying stuff like.., “Hi! I’m actually hanging out with my friends on this other side of the town”.

Now, they are expecting you to say something like.., “Don’t worry about it, I will meet you over there and hang out with your friends”. Dude…babe, don’t do this! Don’t even try it! Instead, say something like.., “Hope you’re having fun, I’ll see you at 8pm”. Let them know you are not going to change your plan.

OR better still, you can even take it the other way round and say.., “Okay, have fun. We can hang out later this week, no big deal”.. Either way, you are maintaining the power position and it might as well drive them cr*zy. You might not get to see your date that night, but in the long run, they’re surely going to respect you more for this and even be more attracted to you for this. They wouldn’t wanna mess with you next time. Trust me on this.

And that’s the end of this article. If you made it to the end and of course, enjoyed this piece, be sure to hit the like button. If you haven’t subscribed to this blog yet, don’t forget to hit the follow button below, then enter your email address or username. You will surely get notifications because we publish more of articles like this frequently. Stay tuned for the next post. Stay Cool!

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