Nigeria is one of the largest African countries no doubt and today marks her anniversary. Nigeria is popularly called “Naija” by her citizens and also widely known as “The Giant of Africa”. It comprises of 36 states plus a capital with over 250 Ethnic Groups and Languages.

Each year on the 1st day of October, Nigeria celebrates her Independence. This day marks the day the country gained her Freedom and thus, Independence from the reigns of the British Colonial Masters.

The Union Jack (former flag) was lowered while the Green White and Green (current flag) was raised and the citizens of the newly independent country watched in awe as the new flag swirls in the wind, signaling the Dawn of a New Era.

There was fun fare and wïld jubilation across the length and breadth of the entity Nigeria. School children lined up in the nation’s streets with the nation’s flag in their hands as they sang the National Anthem at the time, “Nigeria We Hail Thee”.

Indeed, it was an exhilarating experience. There were hopes and aspirations that the newly emerged country Nigeria, will grow in leaps and bounds to become the envy of the whole world with it’s enormous natural and human resources which God has endowed the country with.

But sadly however, 61 years later, Nigeria as a country is facing a myriad of problems ranging from security issues to unemployment, hunger, poor healthcare system, d£cay in infrastructure and others too numerous to even mention.

These problems have eaten deep into the fabrics of the country Nigeria and has become a clog-in-the-wheel, preventing the country from reaching it’s full potential.

As Nigeria marks her 61st Independence today, we all need to have a sober reflection and join heads in prayer to ask God to come HEAL THE LAND and make it PROSPEROUS once again!

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